

Call for Interest: AustCham Shanghai Platinum Membership

Dear Members and Friends,

AustCham Shanghai is now accepting expressions of interest for Platinum Membership commencing April 1 2021 to March 31 2022.

There are a limited number of Platinum Memberships available to the Australia-China business community. Current members have first right of refusal and are currently renewing.

Platinum Members:

  • Are leaders in Australia-China business.
  • Ensure the delivery of Australian-led CSR programs in Shanghai.
  • Have their brands positioned prominently across a large Australian and Chinese network.
  • Receive a host of premium additional benefits including invite-only events with industry and government leaders, and priority business matching.
  • Lead collaborations with other senior stakeholders, strengthening relationships and creating mutual benefit for the community.

To discuss Platinum Membership and its opportunities for your organisation, please register your interest by Friday 26 March.

Register your interest