Event Recap: Annual General Meeting 2018

AustCham Shanghai thanks all 59 members who attended this year’s Annual General Meeting. Australian Consul General Mr. Graeme Meehan chaired the meeting, Craig Aldous, Chairman of AustCham Shanghai presented the Annual Report for 2018, and our Treasurer, John Boyle shared the financial results. Some 2017-2018 Chamber highlights include:
- Recording a 31% increase in year-on-year pre-tax profit
- Hosting 105 events attended by 4915 attendees
- Expanding our footprint in the YRD region with 19 new members
- Growing engagement in our Industry Forums (+32%)
- Working with 14 Australian organisations for project management and delegations as part of our Business Engagement activities.
- Hosting the 25th Austcham Westpac Australia-China Business Awards
- Raising close to 90,000 RMB for our charity partners.
These are just a few of the accomplishments we've achieved together this past year and there are many more to come.
We would also like to notify all members and guests who were unable to attend the AGM that all resolutions were passed and the board of directors were elected for the 2018-2020 term.
This year we received 10 nominations for six vacancies on the board. Congratulations to the newly elected board directors Andrew Collins, Chris Carr, Chris Pan and Stephanie Liu and re-elected board directors Craig Aldous and Susan Heffernan. They join John Boyle, Simon Lance, Heather Smith and Craig Weightman in leading the Chamber.
A special thank you to our retiring CEO Udo Doring for his terrific years of support for the Chamber. His leadership has been amighty contribution to the Chamber. Thanks also to our retiring Board Directors Alan Chang, Paul Glasson, Rose Scott and John O’Shea for their service and outstanding contribution and guidance.