

Welcome to the AustCham Shanghai Chamber news section where you can stay up to date on how we're serving members and the larger Australia-China business community.

Chamber news

Reshaping Australia’s Foreign Policy Direction

Read more on our Foreign Policy White Paper Submission to DFAT.
Chamber news

State of the Chamber December 2016

Our CEO Udo Doring provides an overview of the past year and upcoming developments for the Chamber.
Chamber news

E-Commerce & Retail Delegation Recap

Read more on AustCham Shanghai’s ‘E-Commerce and Retail Business Delegation’, in partnership with the Australia-China Business Council (Queensland)
Chamber news

AustCham Shanghai CSR Partner Update-Mifan Mama

AustCham Shanghai's CSR partner Mifan Mama shares recent updates about the Shining Star therapy center.
Chamber news

Great Success for AustCham Shanghai's inaugural Graduate Career Fair

AustCham Shanghai’s inaugural Career Fair 2016 at the Crowne Plaza last Saturday was a resounding success, gathering over 560 participants
Chamber news

New Website

Our new website is a major development and only the start of a total overhaul of our communications.
Chamber news

State of the Chamber July 2016

Our CEO provides a brief overview of recent Chamber updates