

To assist our members with keeping up to date on the coronavirus outbreak and maintaining their business continuity, the Chamber has collated a list of official notices and supporting policies as listed below. The list will be updated regularly with new information on coronavirus.

Chamber news

Announcing AustCham Shanghai's Platinum Member 2021: Coles

We are excited to announce Coles as an AustCham Shanghai's Platinum Member for 2021.
Chamber news

Call for Interest: Government Relations Working Group

Calling on members who are experts in government relations, government affairs, or public relations capacity
Chamber news

AustCham Shanghai's 2021 Annual Report

A comprehensive summary of the state of the Chamber
Chamber news

2021 Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Election

Formal notice of AustCham Shanghai Board of Directors Election 2021
Chamber news

Chairman's Letter to Members

Important updates from Chairman of the Board of AustCham Shanghai
Chamber news

Is Your Business Looking for Quality Interns?

AustCham Shanghai & University of Sydney Internship Program 2021
Chamber news

Announcing AustCham Shanghai's Platinum Member 2021: Commonwealth Bank of Australia