S + E China business delegation to S+E Liaoyang Industrial Park

S+E China cordially invites you to join a business delegation to S+E Liaoyang Industrial Park on 12.-13. December.
This event will focus on opportunities for International and local enterprises in S+E Liaoyang Industrial Park, which is a new generation city-industry integrated Park.
Event Details
If you are interested, please register online by Nov. 28th
This event is free of charge for AustCham Members. Accommodation and transportation costs will be covered by the organizer.
Seats are limited (to one participants per company). S+E China reserves the right of final confirmation due to availability.
Successful registration, which shall be approved and confirmed, is subject to the final notice from S+E China.
Once the successful registration has been approved, any unexpected absence is not discouraged by the organizer. Any added expense and loss of the organizer (such as flight tickets, etc.) due to the absence or amendment as required by registered attendees will be born by attendees themselves.
For more information, please feel free to contact: lana.ding@se-china.cn
名额有限,每公司限定一人参加, 思颐中国公司保留最终确认权利
如需取得进一步咨询,请联系邮箱 lana.ding@se-china.cn

During the event, AustCham Shanghai delegates will have the opportunity to meet and network with Liaoning provincial government leaders, Liaoyang city government leaders, representatives from Consulates, General Manager Mr. Adam Huang of S+E China, senior representatives from S+E Liaoyang Industrial Park, as well as company representatives from Dr. Schneider, Thyssenkrupp and China Zhongwang group. During the event, S+E China will share their analysis on how to optimize the macro and micro environment to better serve the development of different industries in the future.
Overview of Liaoyang S+E Industrial Park
Through the process of upgrading the existing industries within the Bohai economic circle, a complete industrial chain will be formed. Liaoyang, as a central city in the Bohai economic circle, will then experience a period of rapid development, driven in part by the positive spillover effects of the surrounding cities. Now the local pillar industries include the automotive sector, manufacturing, semiconductors, as well as the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. The leading enterprises near the park include:
伴随着产业升级, 一条完整的产业链将逐渐在环渤海经济圈形成。辽阳作为环渤海经济圈的中心城市收到了周围城市的产业辐射,得以快速发展。目前,当地的支柱产业包括汽车行业、制造业、半导体行业以及石油化工产业和制药业。园区邻近的著名企业有:
Liaoyang S+E industrial park has a total planned area of around 5 km2. The developer of this park, S+E China, will always keep the core principles of high transparency, high technology, high efficiency, high quality and high value to create a green, livable industrial park of the future. Being more than just an upgrade to existing industrial parks, our park will be first to have complete 5G coverage and a circular economy (meaning zero waste and zero emissions), seeking to embody the future of production. This park is certified with the DGNB Gold and LEED standards and aims to continuously integrate newer and more efficient technology over the coming years.
园区总规划面积为5平方千米。园区开发商思颐中国公司将始终秉承高透明、高科技、高效能、高品质、高价值的“五高”理念,打造一个绿色宜居的新时代产业园。不仅仅是对传统园区的升级改造,辽阳欧洲智能制造小镇将是首个实现5G全覆盖以及循环经济(零污染,零排放)的产业园,将成为未来生产方式的新范本。园区通过了DGNB Gold和LEED标准认证,旨在未来几年不断整合更新、更高效的技术。
Automotive 汽车行业:
- BMW 华晨宝马
- General Motors Corporation 通用汽车
Manufacturing 制造业:
- YASKAWA 安川电机
- FANUC 发那科
- ZF采埃孚
- BASF巴斯夫
- BOS 博斯
Semiconductor Industry 半导体产业
- ULVAC 日本真空
- NSK 日本精工
- TIMKEN 美国铁姆肯
Steel and Nonferrous Metals Industry钢铁及有色金属产业:
- China Zhongwang Group 中国忠旺集团
- Liaoning Copper Co., Ltd 辽宁铜业集团
Petrochemical Industry 石油化工产业
- Liaoyang petroleum chemical fiber co. LTD中国石油辽阳石油化纤公司
Pharmaceutical 制药产业
- AbbVie 艾伯维
- SANOFI 赛诺菲
- Johnson 强生
This event is free of charge, but seats are limited. RSVP is required. Please note that AustCham Shanghai members enjoy first priority.
For more information, please feel free to contact lana.ding@se-china.cn
如需取得进一步咨询,请联系邮箱 lana.ding@se-china.cn