

Welcome to the AustCham Shanghai Member News section. We encourage member companies to share announcements which are of interest to the larger Australia-China community.

Chamber news

Chairman's Letter to Members

From Simon Lance, Chairman of the Board
Chamber news

Webinar Recap | The 2020 Ultimate Guide to Social Media in China

Chamber news

Event Recap | HR Committee Event: Global Leadership in the "New Normal"

Chamber news

AustCham Shanghai Welcomes New Board Position Holders

Meet our new Board Committees
Chamber news

Event Recap: Annual General Meeting 2020

Chamber news

Announcement of AustCham Shanghai's New Board Directors

The Election Auditor's Statement
Chamber news

Webinar Recap | Fighting Back: What to Do When Things Fall Apart

Chamber news

AustCham Shanghai's 2020 Annual Report

AustCham Shanghai's 2020 Annual Report