
Manufacturing and Engineering

China Commerce Networks (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

China Commerce Networks(Shanghai)Co., Ltd.(CCN) was established in 2000, an Information Technology company controlled by Beijing Hualian Group. For 23 years, CCN has always been committed to providing customers with "brand protection, intelligent traceability, and digital marketing" products and services based on "one product, one code".

Since 2015, CCN has launched a global layout and expanded business to 26 countries worldwide. In addition, CCN has 43 patents and 62 software copyrights, providing customers with an unique anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting system to prevent fake products. In that way, CCN helps build consumer trust and improve consumer confidence.

CCN has continuously provided “one product, one code” full value chain solutions to 63 Fortune Global 500 enterprises and over 5000 excellent enterprises in more than 20 industry fields, and has been rated as the “Global Excellent Service Provider of the Year” by multiple Fortune Global 500 enterprises.

上海中商网络股份有限公司(简称“CCN中商”)创建于2000年,为北京华联集团控股的信息产业公司。23年始终以“为商品赋予无限数据价值”为企业使命,为客户提供以一物一码为基础的“品牌保护、智慧追溯、数字化营销”产品及服务。 2015年起,CCN开启全球化布局,日前业务拓展全球26个国家。此外,CCN拥有43项专利,62项软件著作权,让企业拥有独一无二的防伪防窜体系,遏制仿冒产品流通,保护、提升客户信任与品牌价值,激发消费者购买欲,构筑社会信任与安全!



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Manufacturing and Engineering #
B&R Enclosures (Suzhou) Co Ltd

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Manufacturing and Engineering #

Zenith designs, manufactures and distributes high-performance furniture solutions that inspire people and organisations to thrive. Our furniture brands include products designed and manufactured by…

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Fortescue Metals Group Ltd, Shanghai Representative office

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King Living

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Ecquality Timber Products

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