
Recruitment and HR

FESCO Adecco

FESCO Adecco is a joint-venture human resources services company combining the strengths of FESCO Group (FESCO, 600861,China’s first professional human resources service organization and one of the largest integrated HR solution providers in the country) and the Adecco Group (a world’s leading talent advisory and solutions company) at the end of 2010 in Shanghai. FESCO Adecco provides total human resources services including General Staffing Solutions, Professional Staffing Solutions, Global Employee Outsourcing, Payroll & HR Services, Permanent Placement and RPO, Employee Welfare and Digital Services on a daily basis for more than 2,000,000 associates and more than 26,000 clients across China. FESCO Adecco has established regional institutions in several major regions across the country, including Shanghai, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Shaanxi, Hunan, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Sichuan and other locations.

外企德科(FESCO Adecco) 是中国第一家人力资源服务机构和中国体量最大的综合性人 力服务企业之一的 FESCO 集团(北京人力,600861)与全球领先人力资源咨询与解决方案 提供商德科集团(The Adecco Group)于 2010 年在上海成立的一家中外合资人力资源服 务企业,为企业及个人提供通用外包解决方案、专业外包解决方案、国际人才外包服务、人 事薪酬服务、招聘猎头及流程外包、员工福利服务和数字化等综合性人力资源服务。目前, FESCO Adecco 已在全国范围内的多个重要地区设立了区域机构,包括上海、重庆、浙江、 深圳、苏州、陕西、湖南、安徽、福建、山东、四川等,全国服务人数超过 200 万名,服务 客户超 26,000 家。


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