Frosa Aviation Ltd
Frosa Aviation Ltd is a start-up company registered in Antigua and Barbuda, which is a British Commonwealth Realm in the Carribeans. The investors come from China and several Commonwealth countries, including Australia, Canada, and Malta.
Our company aims to provide more alternatives in the airspace among the Eastern Carribean Islands (incl. neighboring EU overseas terriories)or even other like-minded island economic entities (including Australian overseas territories like Christmas Island), including but not limited to flying taxis, delivery drones, and drone tourism.
Frosa (芙莎) Aviation Ltd, 是注册在联合国小岛国委员会及英联邦组织的重要区域国家---安提瓜和巴布达的一家初创公司,公司投资人来自中国和英联邦多国(包括澳大利亚,加拿大,马耳他等)。
Get access to the full member contact details by joining AustCham Shanghai. Full member information includes the corporate representative, phone number and street address.

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