Hive&Wellenss Australia
HWA is focusing on producing 100% natural honey from Australia, occupy the first national honey brand in Australia named Capilano. It is collected by hand and has strict quality inspection standards to ensure natural purity and sweet and smooth taste. Patented packaging for portable, no drop, no mess purpose, reduce secondary pollution. HWA owns many honey and apple cider vinegar brands, such as Capilano, Barnes Nature, and Smith.
Hive&Wellenss Australia (HWA) 是一家专注生产来自澳洲的100%天然蜂蜜,拥有澳大利亚第一的国民蜂蜜品牌Capilano康蜜乐,蜂蜜通过手工采集,严苛质检标准,保证天然纯净,口感清甜顺滑, 同时采用专利包装,便携不外溢,减少二次污染。公司旗下拥有蜂蜜品牌Capilano康蜜乐,麦卢卡蜂蜜品牌Barnes Naturals巴恩天然,Smith等众多蜂蜜和苹果醋产品
HWA Head Office is in Brisbane, with operational sites in Brisbane (Queensland), Perth (Western Australia) and Maryborough (Victoria) as well as a beekeeping enterprise in Evans Heads (New South Wales) that specialises in medical grade Manuka Honey production.
总部位于布里斯班,并在布里斯班(昆士兰州)、 珀斯( 西澳)和马里伯勒(维多利亚州)都设有办公室,同时在埃文斯角(新南威尔士州)设有专门从事医疗级麦卢卡蜂蜜生产的养蜂场。
HWA owns three factories in Australia and more than 9 brands, it also provides OEM services with reliable services to major retailers and clients all over the world
自有澳洲三家工厂。旗下有超过9个自有品牌, 同时帮助全球主要零售渠道和品牌提供第三方代加工服务 ,
Capilano is one of the world’s largest honey brands, In Australia, the Capilano brand holds most of the honey market share. Capilano started as a small family business during 1953 in Brisbane (Queensland) Australia.
Since 1876, Barnes Natural is the Australian manuka honey brand and the first apple vinegar brand in the market. Australian manuka honey is famous for it’s sweet taste and the health benefits for the human body. The organic unfiltered process retains the original taste and nutrients, including artificial yeast and natural enzymes, without adding artificial colors, sweeteners and preservatives.
巴恩天然源自1876年,是澳大利亚著名的麦卢卡蜂蜜品牌,同时也有市场排名领先的苹果醋产品,澳洲麦卢卡蜂蜜以其香甜的味道以及健康功效闻名于世, 巴恩天然的有机未过滤苹果醋生产工艺可以保留原始的口感和营养物质,包含人工酵母和自然酶,不添加人工色素,甜味剂和防腐剂。
HWA owns three factories in Australia and more than 9 brands, it also provides OEM services with reliable services to major retailers and clients all over the world
自有澳洲三家工厂。旗下有超过9个自有品牌, 同时帮助全球主要零售渠道和品牌提供第三方代加工服务 ,
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