
Financial Services

HSBC China


HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited started operations on 2 April 2007 as a locally incorporated foreign bank. It is owned by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, the founding member of the HSBC Group, which was established in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 1865. HSBC China incorporated the previous Mainland offices of its parent.
HSBC is one of the largest investors among foreign banks in mainland China, having invested in the growth of its own operations and in select Mainland financial services entities, including Bank of Communications.
HSBC China has outlets across more than 50 cities. This is the largest service network covering the widest geographical reach by any foreign bank in mainland China.
HSBC’s knowledge of mainland China and its international operations enable it to provide customers with a wide range of financial and banking services, including wealth and personal banking, commercial banking, and global banking and markets.



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