JEB Group
JEB Group is a global leader and trusted partner in high performance office partitions, built-in & bespoke furniture solutions, customized façades, architectural features and sustainable solutions.
With 30+ years of experience in the industry, We are passionate about creating workplaces and spaces that foster community, creativity, productivity and promote wellness, all whilst reducing waste and our carbon footprint on the Earth. We don’t just work with clients, we partner with them to provide shared value, customer service excellence and timely, cost-effective, innovative solutions that help fulfil your creative vision.
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Santa Fe Relocation
Thinking Relocation? Think Santa Fe. Santa Fe is a leading global relocation services provider, specializing in services including home search, orientation, school search, immigration, tenancy /…
Five Continental Travel Concierge
FCT Concierge Inc.成立于2015年,作为臻享礼宾服务专家和顶奢精英会,面向环球企业和精英人士,提供24小时专属管家和高端生活方式管理服务,从商务出行、环球旅行度假到奢侈品购买、艺术品拍卖、服装高定、米其林订餐、社交活动和体育赛事以及跨境医疗、教育和房产投资。 Founded in 2015 by Tim Li, as an expert in concierge services…
SBA Stone Forest
SBA Stone Forest (SBASF) is a corporate advisory and public accounting group headquartered in Shanghai with offices in Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Hong Kong and Singapore. For over…
WorldFirst is a payment service provider that is tailored to meet the needs of SMEs and businesses engaged in international trade to expand globally, both online via marketplaces or websites, as well…
Tripadvisor猫途鹰是全球领先的旅游指导平台,从计划到预订再到出行,每个月帮助数亿人成为更好的旅行者。来自世界各地的旅行者使用 Tripadvisor 网站和应用程序,根据之前去过的用户的指导,发现适合自己的住宿、活动和餐厅。 Tripadvisor猫途鹰拥有来自近千万家业主的超过10亿条评论和意见,旅行者可以通过 Tripadvisor猫途鹰寻找住宿优惠、…
STAR (Shanghai) Accounting & Consulting Co. Ltd
Established in 2007 with investment from the UK, Star (Shanghai) Accounting & Consulting provides a comprehensive solution in corporate registration, accounting outsourcing and tax planning,…