Jing & Co
At JING & CO., we provide specialized and tailor-made talent management solutions to companies with connections to China and Australia.
Our mission is to tackle the challenges of talent acquisition, management, and engagement, particularly in cross-cultural working environments. We strive to connect local Australian/Chinese businesses with global talents and Australian/Chinese talents with global opportunities.
Our services include Recruitment Consulting, HR Consulting, and Leadership Coaching. At Jing & CO, we collaborate with clients from the FMCG, Healthcare, Life Science, Education, and Property sectors, covering both commercial and technical roles.
JING & CO.为中国和澳洲公司提供专业的人才招聘和咨询服务。我们的使命是为跨国企业提供全方位的人才招聘和管理解决方案。我们致力于帮助中澳企业连接国际人才,并协助中澳人才找到全球的工作机会。
JING & CO.的服务包括猎头服务、人力外包和领导力培训。目前,我们为快速消费品、医药、教育和地产领域提供服务,涵盖研发、生产、销售和市场等职位。
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