

Juneyao Air

Founded in 2006, Juneyao Air is one of the leading private-owned carriers in China, and the first Connecting Partner of Star Alliance. Currently the airline reaches near 200 destinations in Asia and Europe, with a modern fleet of 100 aircrafts, comprising…

Juneyao Air

上海吉祥航空股份有限公司,系上海均瑶(集团)有限公司控股子公司,于2006年9月正式开航运营。截止2024年10月,公司拥有92架空客A320系列客机与8架波音787-9梦想客机,形成双机队运输体系。吉祥航空品牌定位为更具亲和力的航空体验提供者,以上海、南京为航线网络中心,已通航百余个国内外重要城市,洲际航线更触及意大利、芬兰、希腊等欧洲国家,年均运输旅客超2500万人次。 吉祥航空于2017年5月正式成为星空联盟全球首家“优连伙伴”,迈出了公司国际化道路的重要一步;截至2018年11月,公司已与中国国…

Monash University

Monash University is a leading global research and education institution with a presence spanning the Asia-Pacific and into Europe. A founding member of the Group of Eight, the University’s broad academic expertise, diverse student cohort, and rich on-cam…

Financial Services

Macquarie Group

Macquarie is a diversified financial group providing clients with asset management and finance, banking, advisory and risk and capital solutions across debt, equity and commodities.

Our global operations include offices in the world's major financial centres.

The diversity of our operations, combined with a strong capital position and robust risk management framework, has contributed to our 48-year record of unbroken profitability.


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Financial Services #
Shanghai Stone Capital Co., Ltd.

Stone Capital is a private equity investment institution with primary focus on wealth management for successful entrepreneurs and wealthy families in China, and also manages the capitals for municipal…

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Financial Services #

Hitpoint provides a full range of SAP Concur consulting, implementation and other value-added services to multinational corporations through two entities in Greater China and Australia. Hitpoint is…

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Financial Services #

The SMATS Group of companies are international leaders in providing Australian taxation, finance, and property services to Australian expatriates, foreign investors and intended migrants to Australia…

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Financial Services #
Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP Shanghai Branch

Ernst & Young is one of the leading global professional services firms with more than 150,000 staff around the world. In China, we offer our clients the full range of assurance, tax, and advisory…

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Financial Services #
CPA Australia

Founded in 1886, CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest professional accounting bodies, representing more than 155,000 members working in 118 countries around the world, with more than 25,000…

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Financial Services #
TMF Group

TMF Group是领先的核心行政服务提供商,致力于在全球范围内协助客户安全地投资与运营。 我们在全球86个司法管辖区设有125家办事处,拥有超过10,000名员工,提供对客户成功至关重要的会计、税务、薪酬、基金行政管理和法人实体管理服务,帮助客户驾驭营商所在地的复杂法律法规。…

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