

v2 Food

v2food is an Australian based producer of plant-based meat substitutes. The company is a partnership between Jack Cowin's Competitive Foods Australia and CSIRO's investment fund Main Sequence Ventures. We're on a mission to feed our planet in a way that takes care of our planet.


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Other #
Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce

Changzhou international investment promotion center affiliated with Changzhou Bureau of Commerce is the portal of Changzhou in foreign trade and economic cooperation. Main duties: 1, Changzhou…

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Logistics and Supply Chain #
Shanghai JC Group

上海佳昌集团是一家集品牌授权产品,定制设计服务和电子自研为一体的全链供应商,下设6家企业,其中2家企业皆获高新技术企业及专精特新小巨人称号。 以品牌授权产品及定制服务为核心;落地积分兑换,分期商城,员工福利,IP形象定制,内外宣传,平台集成,员工运营等业务。 Shanghai JC Group is a comprehensive supply chain provider…

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Leisure, Hospitality and Travel #
Grand Hyatt Shanghai

Occupying the 53rd to 87th floors of the Jin Mao Tower building, Grand Hyatt Shanghai hotel is one of the highest hotels in the world. A total of 555 guest rooms and suites are among the most spacious…

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PR, Advertising and Creative #
RedFern Digital

RedFern Digital is a China specific, full-service digital agency that helps brands navigate the digital ecosystem, increase their brand awareness and convert that awareness into sales. After 15 years…

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Financial Services #
TMF Group

TMF Group是领先的核心行政服务提供商,致力于在全球范围内协助客户安全地投资与运营。 我们在全球86个司法管辖区设有125家办事处,拥有超过10,000名员工,提供对客户成功至关重要的会计、税务、薪酬、基金行政管理和法人实体管理服务,帮助客户驾驭营商所在地的复杂法律法规。…

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Legal #

Gadens is a premier, independent Australian law firm, distinguished by our forward-thinking, client-first approach since 1847. Our team delivers high-value, strategic counsel across core sectors such…

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