


王玮博士是希艾迪咨询的执行董事,具有30年零售、地产和咨询企业的从业经历。他在上海中心大厦、虹桥机场和万象城等国内标杆项目中留下了自己的专业印记。他翻译出版了澳洲传奇西田品牌创始人弗兰克·洛伊的传记,将国际行业的先进理念和前沿实践介绍到国内市场。近年面对不确定的时代环境,他专注将复杂系统理论与行业研究的结合,在行业的咨询和企业培训中不断创新,以国际高度视野和国内深度洞察的理论和战略的总结获得行业的高度认可。 Dr. Wei Wang is the Executive Director of XiAiDi…
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Xin Bai Law Firm

Xin Bai Law Firm is an independent, licensed law firm in China and a member of PwC global network of firms. We have access to the most geographically extensive global legal services network, PwC Legal, with over 3,500 lawyers in over 100 countries and ter…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/xin-bai-law-firm

Yangzhou Jiro International Trade Co., Ltd.

Yangzhou Jiro International Trade Co., Ltd. is a Jiangsu Province based trading company specialising in design engineering of demountable event space products. Particularly: Staging, grandstand seating, corporate platforms and tent structure. Primary mat…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/yangzhou-jiro-international-trade-co-ltd

Yes Education

Yes Education Group stands as a well-known leader in Study Abroad Services, setting the standard since our inception in 2009. Because of our independent business strategy and use of a Business-to-Business (B2B) platform, we are positioned as an essential …
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/yes-education


圆通国际成立于2006年,2017年圆通速递战略收购香港上市企业先达国际物流。作为圆通推进物流出海及国际化发展战略的平台及业务主体,圆通国际目前已在全球设立50个海外分公司,业务覆盖超过150个国家和地区。跟着全球贸易走出去、跟着华人华企走出去、跟着跨境电商走出去,圆通致力成为全球领先的综合性国际供应链集成商。 YTO International Express and Supply Chain Technology Limited, or YTO International, whose root c…
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Zenith designs, manufactures and distributes high-performance furniture solutions that inspire people and organisations to thrive. Our furniture brands include products designed and manufactured by Zenith, along with prominent local and international desi…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/zenith


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