

Inflight VR

Inflight VR is a leading provider of a VR platform within the Travel and Leisure industry with offices in Munich, Barcelona, and China. They provide 3D virtual reality experiences that are hand-selected of highest VR quality content and safe for consumpti…

Institute of Strategic Leadership and Coaching(ISLC)

Built upon a strong reputation for executive coaching and a deep understanding of the strategic changes facing multinational corporations in China, the ISLC (Institute of Strategic Leadership and Coaching) was founded in 2012. Throughout the Asia Pacific …

Intercontinental Shanghai Ruijin

Intercontinental Shanghai Ruijin is centrally located in downtown Shanghai, right in the heart of the historical French Concession. Featuring a classic circa 1917 colonial architecture and set amidst a large acreage of private gardens it offers 230 elegan…

International Future China

International Future China is a full-service education consultancy that was founded in 2018, specialising in helping relocating families find outstanding international schools and in offering university counselling for admission to prestigious institution…

iTax Consulting

艾税咨询成立于2016年,总部位于中国上海,与艾税香港并肩为海内外客户提供高质量的财务会计、税务咨询与筹划、审计等综合性财税服务。秉承“走出去,引进来”的服务战略,致力于成为企业发展决策的智囊团,为外资进入中国市场提供财税领域全方位的服务,为中资企业走出去提供专业助力。 公司咨询团队汇聚多名注册会计师、注册税务师以及各领域的专家级成员,从业经验丰富,服务年限均超过10以上。公司自成立以来服务百余家客户,包含世界500强外资公司、国内知名民营企业、发展中的中小企业等。 我们的核心理念:专业、高效、真诚、…

JEB Group

JEB Group is a global leader and trusted partner in high performance office partitions, built-in & bespoke furniture solutions, customized façades, architectural features and sustainable solutions. With 30+ years of experience in the industry, We are pas…

JET IT Services

JET IT Services has been delivering IT solutions in China since 2010 with a team fluent in English, Chinese, Italian, and a few other European languages. Contact us and let us help you!

Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone

国家级嘉兴经济技术开发区成立于1992年,规划面积110平方公里,位于嘉兴城市的主城区,是一个典型的城市型开发区。嘉兴经开区紧邻上海、杭州、苏州等城市,交通区位优越,目前已吸引全球45个国家和地区的770多家外资企业落户,包括丹麦乐高、日本松下、德国采埃孚等38家世界500强企业。目前重点发展3+X产业,即智能制造、生命健康和新能源新材料,并形成先进制造业、现代服务业和智慧产业协同发展的态势。 Founded in 1992 with a planned area of 110 square kilom…

Jing & Co

At JING & CO., we provide specialized and tailor-made talent management solutions to companies with connections to China and Australia. Our mission is to tackle the challenges of talent acquisition, management, and engagement, particularly in cross-cultu…


JINGdigital is China's Leading Marketing Automation Platform. Since our founding in 2014, JINGdigital has been providing brands with digital marketing optimization solutions through our JINGsocial platform. The platform enables brands to better understan…


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