

SBA Stone Forest

SBA Stone Forest (SBASF) is a corporate advisory and public accounting group headquartered in Shanghai with offices in Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Hong Kong and Singapore. For over 20 years as a trusted business advisor, we have been sup…
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School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology

Founded in 1990, ECUST School of Business integrates the disciplines of economics and management and is committed to the integration and development of both. The School has five departments, including the Department of Management Science and Engineering, …
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Scientia Clinical Research

Scientia Clinical Research (SCR) is a FDA audited, not-for-profit early phase clinical trial company, operating a 30-bed, phase I unit, co-located within the Prince of Wales Hospital. SCR conducts approximately 40 clinical trials per year, the majority b…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/scientia-clinical-research

Sense Art & Technology

Sense Art & Technology is an innovative trendy advertising company that combines digital art marketing and LED billboard advertisement. Our billboards are located on several iconic landmark buildings in Shanghai. We play a huge role in how advertisers rea…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/sense-art-technology


世服宏图于1978 年在悉尼成立,致力于为客户提供全球优质的服务式办公室、虚拟办公室以及会议室。目前为止在目前在澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、中国、东南亚、欧洲、中东、英国和美国等拥有 150 个城市办公地点的国际网络。世服宏图的办公室和 IT 解决方案使任何规模的公司都能以跨国公司的企业形象、IT、基础设施和支持来运营,而无需承担通常所需的相关管理费用。无论您或您的公司在本地或世服宏图的全球网点国家内需要何种专业服务,世服宏图都将为您实现。 Servcorp, founded in Sydney in 19…
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Shanghai Bowdex Motor Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Bowdex Motor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993, operating as an affiliate under Pan German Motors, Taiwan, and is a fully authorized BMW dealership for the eastern district of the greater China territories. Our newest showroom, encompassing 1200 squa…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/shanghai-bowdex-motor-co-ltd

Shanghai Chengbeishimeng Educational Technology Co.,Ltd

Shanghai Chengbei Shimen Education Technology Co., Ltd., as a leader in the development of science and innovation education in primary and secondary schools, is committed to promoting the teaching reform of science and innovation courses in China, enrichi…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/shanghai-chengbeishimeng-educational-technology-coltd

Shanghai Cohost Property Management Co., Ltd

Cohost is a design-led co-living apartment brand founded in 2017, established to redesign rental living. Our community embrace connection and sociability, good design and a healthy lifestyle. The Cohost West Bund includes 66 premium apartments with plent…
phone number and street address. JOIN NOW L https://www.austchamshanghai.com/en/members/directory/members-list/shanghai-cohost-property-management-co-ltd

Shanghai Dingda Catering Management Co., Ltd

上海鼎大餐饮管理股份有限公司创立于2015年,旗下经营餐饮品牌“嘻游记·厚切烤肉”与供应链公司“上海谣烨供应链管理有限公司”。 餐饮品牌“嘻游记·厚切烤肉”的灵感取自于《西游记》唐僧师徒四人取经的故事,体现了品牌创始人在寻觅美食过程中对生活真本快乐的追求。该品牌主打“厚切烤肉”这一细分领域,并将“不畏困难、奋勇向前、追求卓越”的西游精神贯穿于品牌文化之中,是中国烤肉的缔造者、传播者与实践者。品牌以传播中国文化为己任,希望通过美味的食物、舒适的环境、优质的服务与积极向上的文化,让消费者在愉悦体验的过程中感…
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Shanghai Fairmont Peace Hotel Company Limited

Proud, legendary and lavish, the Fairmont Peace Hotel, overlooking Shanghai’s Huangpu River, boasts a history that overshadows that of any other hotel in the Far East. With its origins dating back more than eight decades, this beloved landmark served as a…
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