

Webinar | Coronavirus Update for AustCham Shanghai Members

Join the AustCham Shanghai community and the Australian Consul-General Dominic Trindade, for a member's webinar to discuss the current state of the coronavirus outbreak. Hear from Kent Kedl, Senior Partner Greater China and North Asia from Control Risks and Iris Zhang, Director from Fragomen China who will discuss the current state, regulatory and reputation risks faced by enterprises, current government policies and employee movement in and out of China.


Thursday, February 20th

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Member-Only Webinar


Kent Kedl
Partner, Control Risks, Great China and North Asia

Iris Zhang
Director, Fragomen, Shanghai office


15:00 PM - Opening Speech | Jack Brady
15:05 PM - Welcome Remarks by Consul General of Australia in Shanghai
15:10 PM - Speech by Control Risks
15:30 PM - Speech by Fragomen
15:50 PM - Q & A
16:10 PM - Event closes

Kent will cover:

  • The current state of the outbreak (including prevention and control regulations)
  • How the virus will impact China's economy and the key sectors
  • The regulatory and reputation risks faced by enterprises under the outbreak
  • How to keep compliance with the rapidly changing regulatory landscape

Iris will cover:

  • Current government policies for expats
  • Employee movement in and out of China
  • Fragomen's recommendation on best practices during this difficult time

A Q&A session will be held at the end of the webinar to help audience with their current issues. You are also welcome to send us questions you would like to have answered in advance via the registration form. Please register before 12PM, February 20.

Register HERE, or scan the QR code below.