

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) Update Webinar

On Thursday March 4th, AustCham China in partnership with AustCham Shanghai and KPMG Australia, will be holding a webinar on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

The webinar will provide insight into the following:

  • What does the RCEP mean for your business?
  • How can AustCham members best capitalise on the preferential market access provided by the FTA?
  • How will the RCEP complement and build upon Australia’s existing free trade agreements?
  • What does the RCEP mean vis-a-vie China-Australia trade and impacts on regional trade more broadly?

Hear from speakers:

  • Kevin Thompson
    Counsellor (Economic), Australian Embassy
  • Shiro Armstrong
    Director, Australia-Japan Research Centre; Director, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research; and Associate Professor, Crawford School, Australia National University
  • Leonie Ferretter
    Head of Trade & Customs, Asia Pacific, at KPMG Australia
  • Moderator - Nick Coyle, AustCham CEO and Executive Director, Australian Chamber ofCommerce Beijing