

Sept.11th, want to walk with us in Shanghai?

The most recent Mentor Walks in Shanghai is happening on Sept.11th, RSVP now


Date: 7:45 am – 09:00am on Friday, Sept.11th

Location:Jing'An Park (meeting point is park entrance on Nanjing Xi Lu,

opposite Jing'An Temple) 静安公园(南京西路入口为集合点)

1649 Nanjing Xi Lu上海市南京西路1649号

Registration: RSVP is required.

Participation: 50RMB



Please note that space is limited and granted on a first-come, first-served basis. If you register and are unable to attend, please inform us at least one day in advance of the scheduled Mentor Walk. We understand that emergencies happen, however, if cancellations without notice are given on two occasions, we will be unable to accommodate your registration in the future.

Please also note that Mentor Walks will now cost 50 RMB throughout the year and all proceeds will go to Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC). We don’t take cash on-site and no refunds or fapiaos. Please book online before you come.

Mentor Walks Asia aims to bring together women from all backgrounds and experiences. Young women (Mentees) who have begun their careers walk for an hour with an established Mentor for advice, perspective and honest feedback.

*Please note that Mentor Walks is open to women who have already begun to work and is not intended for students.

Please visit our website for more information: mentorwalkschina.com

or follow us by scanning our QR code below.
