

Webinar | The 2020 Ultimate Guide to Social Media in China

The 2020 Ultimate Guide to Social Media in China


COVID-19 changed our way of working in every aspects. Digital strategies became one of the key part for business to continuously reach and engage with consumers.

Once famed for copying, the big tech platforms in China have now leapfrogged over their counterparts in the west. In this 90 minutes zoom webinar, Alex Duncan, Co-Founder of KAWO will take you through in depth of Social Media, digital landscape in China in 2020. You will learn more of the major power brokers, and which tech platform is the rising star and why WeChat is so far ahead of its competitions. This session will also cover many of the more interesting niche players and recommend all the best resources for you to drive growth in China.


  • China's unique internet ecosystem
  • Tech rivalries in China (Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu & Bytedance)
  • In depth introduction of WeChat (WeChat, mini program, WeChat advertising, WeChat work, WeChat pay and WeChat CRM)
  • Which platform more suitable for my business?
  • Which platform has more engagement with end consumers?


2:00pm Welcome Remarks | Jack Brady, CEO of AustCham Shanghai
2:05pm 150 slides of presentation | Alex Duncan, Co-Founder of KAWO
3:05pm Q&A
3:30pm Event Closes

We will be recording this webinar session and share with our members upon request.



Alex Duncan

Co-Founder of KAWO Technologies

Alex is a British entrepreneur who has lived in China for 14 years. He identified a gap in the market 7 years ago, and thus co-founded KAWO, one of the leading Marketing SaaS players in China. KAWO helps major international brands like the NFL, Vera Wang, and Nike to plan, manage, and analyze their content across WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin, the three major social media channels in China. Alex’s core skill set is UX design and programming but running KAWO for several years has given him a deep understanding of the Chinese social media landscape.