

Webinar: China's Fixed Income Market - CCBS and OMFIF China Capital Markets Series

AustCham Shanghai invites its members to attend a Financial Services webinar next Thursday 17 December on the Chinese fixed income market and institutional investment opportunities. This webinar will be delivered in partnership with Austrade, the Australia China Business Council (ACBC), China Construction Bank Sydney Branch (CCBS), Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) and AustCham Beijing.


Foreign ownership across China’s domestic bond market has set record levels in 2020. ACBC Victoria’s China Capital Markets Industry Group with the support of Austrade, AustCham, China Construction Bank Sydney Branch and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) is excited to host industry experts and government representatives for this important online event.

China’s USD $20 trillion bond market has seen significant reforms in recent months, presenting unrivalled opportunities for Australian institutional investors.

New frameworks to protect the rights and interests of investors along with the further opening up of China’s bond market have seen the sector grow internationally. The addition of Chinese Government Bonds to the World Government Bond Index (WGBI) has further cemented China’s position on the global stage, making the RMB the second-largest currency used in bond denomination.

Join this online event to gain expert analysis, policy understanding and fixed income opportunity insights from key players in industry and government from Australia and China.


  • Mr Daniel Boyer, General Manager - Greater China, Austrade Beijing
  • Mr David Olsson, National President, ACBC
  • Mr Huayu Shen, Head of Overseas Non-bank Institutions Division, CCB HO IBD
  • Mr Mark Burgess, Non-Executive Director, OMFIF and Chairman, OMFIF Asia
  • Mr Michael Chen, Managing Director, Acting Head of Overseas Client Department, China Central Depository & Clearing's (CCDC)
  • Ms Rachel Thompson, Minister-Counsellor (Treasury), Australian Embassy, Beijing
  • Mr Stephen Wolfe, China Country Head, Macquarie Group
  • Ms Yanli Zhao, Deputy General Manager of CCB Sydney Branch
  • Mr Yanze Jiang, Strategist, Director Research – CCB Principal Asset Management


Your membership will be cross-referenced prior to the event. Registration will close two hours before the event starts or when sold out.

Once you have registered, you will receive a follow-up confirmation email on the day of the event (from ACBC Vic Eventbrite) containing further details on how to join the online event (If you do not receive an email, please check your junk folder).

If you have any questions for the speakers, please submit during registration. Any queries please contact acbcvic@acbc.com.au.

Scan or click here to register