

Webinar | Covid-19 Updates and Recovery Planning for Business

How to resume normality and grasp opportunities when the market is gradually recovering from the Covid-19 epidemic?

The AustCham Shanghai will host a webinar in partnership with Control Risks and SwissCham on Thursday 12th March. Tune in to hear about the strategy on getting companies back to normality under the post crisis circumstances from Kent Kedl, Partner and Head of Greater China and North Asia, Control Risks.



Kent Kedl
Partner and Head of Greater China and North Asia
Control Risks

Kent Kedl is Partner and Head of Greater China and North Asia, Control Risks. He is responsible for Control Risks’ practices across mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, the Korea and Mongolia. He has worked in Asia since the early 1980s. Kent has consulted with multi-national and Asian corporations on a range of risk and strategy issues, such as M&A and organic growth strategy, crisis management and operational business controls as well as strategic and organisational development programs. Kent has particular expertise in the Asia-Pacific healthcare, food and beverage and consumer product sectors. Formerly, Kent was responsible for the Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence practice throughout Asia-Pacific. Prior to joining Control Risks, Kent was general manager and co-owner of Technomic Asia, a market strategy consulting firm. Kent has worked as a journalist and is a frequent contributor to Asia-based media outlets. The co-author of The China Ready Company (2006, China Pathways) he writes and produces The Talking Monkey, a blog and podcast on living as a foreigner in China.


  • Brief update of the latest COVID-19 situation in China and the rest of the world
  • The new challenges faced by enterprises when COVID-19 is becoming a global issue
  • How the outbreak has changed people’s behaviour pattern and the business ecosystem in China
  • How to structure an end-to-end recovery process from strategy development to program implementation to shape your operations and opportunities at a transformed market

A Q&A session will be held at the end of the webinar to help audience with their current issues. You are also welcome to send us questions you would like to have answered in advance via the registration form. Please register before 12 PM, March 12.

Register HERE, or scan the QR code below.


Co host with SwissCham
