

Webinar with the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment

The commercial relationship with China has never been more important nor more complex for Australia. At $231 billion in two-way trade, it is undeniable that China will remain an important trading partner for Australia well into the foreseeable future.

With the effects of COVID-19 on international borders and a global economic downturn, China’s rebound will be a key driver of Australia’s economic recovery. Yet, our bilateral relationship continues to be tested as we navigate how to secure Australia’s prosperity over the long term.

Please join us for a member only event to hear from the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment (and incoming Minister for Finance), the Hon Simon Birmingham MP, on the importance of the China market and opportunities being generated by the Australia-China commercial relationship.

The Minister will be accompanied by Australia’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Graham Fletcher, ACBC President, David Olsson and AustCham Shanghai CEO, Bede Payne. The event will include a moderated Q&A session. Please submit your questions for the Minister via registration by Sunday 1 November.

Webinar registration closes on 4 November 2020 and dial in details will be circulated ahead of the event.

This event is co-hosted with Australia China Business Council, Australian Consulate-General Shanghai and Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

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Hon. Mr Simon Birmingham MP

Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment

Simon Birmingham has served as a Liberal Party Senator for South Australia since May 2007 and in August 2018 he was appointed as Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment as well as Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate.

Prior to entering the Senate, Simon worked for a number of industry bodies, establishing particular experience in the wine, tourism and hospitality sectors – industries that are critical to South Australia's prosperity.

After less than three years in the Senate Simon was appointed to the Shadow Ministry, serving as Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray-Darling Basin and the Environment until the 2013 election.

Following the change of government in 2013 Simon served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment, with responsibility for water policy, including the Murray-Darling Basin, National Parks and the Bureau of Meteorology. In 2014 Simon was appointed to serve as the Assistant Minister for Education and Training in the Abbott Ministry, with specific responsibility for vocational education, apprenticeships, training and skills. In September 2015 as part of the Turnbull government he was appointed as a Cabinet minister into the position of Minister for Education and Training. In February 2018 he was appointed Manager of Government Business in the Senate.

H.E. MR Graham Fletcher
Australia's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China

Graham Fletcher has been Australia’s Ambassador to China since August 2019.Prior to this appointment, Mr Fletcher was head of the North Asia Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) during 2008-10 and again from 2015. During 2014, he led the team that completed negotiation of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. Mr Fletcher has served in the Australian Embassy to China on three previous occasions: as Third Secretary (1986-88), Counsellor (1997-2000) and Deputy Head of Mission (2004-08). He was also Deputy Head of Mission in the Australian Embassy in Washington (2011-13) and Deputy Consul-General in the Australian Consulate-General in Noumea (1992-94)Mr Fletcher has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of Sydney. He joined the then Department of Foreign Affairs in 1983. He is married with three children.

David Olsson

National President and Chair, Australia China Business Council

David Olsson is the National President of the Australia China Business Council. He is a former managing partner of global law firm King & Wood Mallesons, and has recently taken up a role as International Director with a focus on the Greater Bay Area.

He has been working with clients in Asia for more than 25 years, including 5 years based in Beijing. He has a particular focus on financial markets and cross-border trade and investment flows.

Bede Payne

Executive Director and General Manager AustCham Shanghai

Bede Payne is the Executive Director and General Manager of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AustCham Shanghai). He leads a diverse, international team to strengthen Australia-China business, government and community relationships.

Bede has spent the past five years living, studying, and working in China. He is driven by the need to help Australians better understand China and to encourage the development of lasting international people-to-people relationships. He believes that our global collective interests are served through sustainable Australia-China trade and investment.

Bede draws on diverse professional and educational experiences in his approach to business, management, and Sino-Australian relations. He is an experienced leader who has worked across trade & investment, infrastructure, advocacy, and government sectors. He holds a Masters Degree in Arts (China Studies) from Liverpool University, UK and Bachelor Degrees in Commerce and Creative Arts from Wollongong University, Australia.