

Webinar: Website Localisation and Optimisation for the Chinese Market

With robust economic recovery from the pandemic, China continues to offer plenty of business opportunities and attracts those who are seeking to expand their business abroad.

For companies planning to enter the Chinese market, the first step they may consider is to have a local website in China.

So how to effectively localise your website targeting the Chinese market? How to improve your organic search results and optimise users’ experiences? To learn the best tips for website localisation and optimisation for the Chinese market, join our webinar on Tuesday, 24th August with HI-COM and QPSoftware.


4:00 PM - 4:10 PM

4:10 PM - 5:00 PM
Presentation by QPSoftware and HI-COM

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Panel Discussion and Q&A

HI-COM is a professional translation and digital communication agency in China. Based in the bustling international city of Shanghai, they help companies reach Chinese audiences with the message they will react to. Their clients vary from startups and SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, across all major industry sectors from FMCG, to marketing, to automotive and engineering.

Built on a philosophy of talented people and great results, QPSoftware (QPS) is a results-driven, full-service digital agency specializing in Web Design, WeChat Apps & Mini Programs, Mobile App Development and Digital Marketing. Since the establishment in 2009, their mission has always been to create websites and digital solutions to help their clients grow their businesses online.